Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Are you wondering why the title of this blog is "Fishing From the Shore"?

Well, I have told you that my thought process is sometimes strange, and if you stick with me you will get a full flavor of that.

Have you ever been fishing? When you fish from the shore your chances of big fish or little fish is kind of 50/50. Fishing from the shore is a whole lot different than being in a boat in the middle of a lake.

If you think about it, life is a lot like fishing from the shore. You have to take the bad with the good, or the little with the big, 50/50.

I have had a lot of bad in my life, but I am middle age, so I'm thinking the first 50% of my bad life is over. The good 50% is on its way.....
And I am not even going to stress on how I'm going to finish. I am placing that in God's hands.

"When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth - his eyes not seeing sleep day or night - then I say all that God had done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it."
Ecclesiastes 8:16-17

Oh, this is so true. I had no control over my past life. It is done, over with, and cannot be fixed, changed, or altered.
We have to keep moving forward. Take on what is ahead of us even if we cannot comprehend it. If we sit still we will be eaten by the big fish. We will weigh ourselves down with stress and worry.

Often we find ourselves dealing with mysteries, the strange conundrums that confront us in many of the situations we go through in life, the situations and circumstances which cause us to ask that ever-recurring question, "Why?"

Life is complicated, too filled with conflicting circumstances for any one of us to figure out. Sleepless nights will not solve life's mysteries. Although it is in our human nature to torture ourselves by trying to think through (solve) and fully understand our complicated and confusing events. We will never fully understand. We might as well accept that there will be a little mystery in our lives, and go to sleep.

Some people think that the Bible has all the answers to the mystery of life. But when you open a Bible you find encouragement, direction, scripture that is laid out in a map for you. The scripture is there for strength, not a solution to our mysteries.

To find the truth in Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 think about your own life, about how many things that have happened and have been determined by events.
I can think of many things (events) that have brought me where I am today. If those "things" wouldn't have happened in the order that they did, I wouldn't be right where I am today. And believe me, I have had many, many, many struggles along the way.

We should not try and seek comfort, but seek meaning.

What are you living for?

What is the purpose of your existence?

Why are you here?

What is life all about?

If your life has any purpose at all it must be found in what happens here and now. Live for today! Never sit still! Keep walking forward instead of backward! Don't try and figure out the mystery of your life. Create your life today!

Let the Lord's grace and love answer all the questions. Hand over your mysteries to Him. He will help you on your walk of life.

Hugs for Always,



  1. Yes, I did wonder! But I kind of sort of had an idea. Sort of :-) So true too. It's sooo hard not to look back and thinkg "if only" this or "if only" that. I do that all the time. Trying not to and trying to keep looking forward.

    Love your log with the three photos now!

  2. You are going to think I'm crazy, but the title of this blog came to me in a dream.....Yup, crazy!!

  3. I do not think you are crazy. I think dreams are definitely vehicles of inspiration AND information.
